Plateau Cleartext Format
Smart Game Format compliant -

Brief overview of format:
()    //opening/close of game
;     //"node" seperator
AA    //property name
[ ]    //open/close of property value

// Property names

"GM";   //integer or string indicating the game: 'Plateau' or '23'
"SU";   //Setup type. Designates any variation on the basic rules to be employed.
            The currently valid values include the following strings:
            'Standard', 'Fast', 'Compressed'
"GN";   //the name of this particular game
"GC";   //a comment describing the game as a whole
"PB";   //the name of the black player
"PW";   //the name of the white player
"B";    //a black move
"W";    //a white move
"C";    //a comment

Game Notation:

A move is designated by the player making the move and then the
values in brackets[] describing the move. The first value is
the move number. Other values are described below.

;B[1 Onboard c4/0 xx]
Black's move, first move of game, an Onboard,
to square c4, at zero height, blank on both sides.

Pieces are denoted using a two letter code, with the first letter
being the top face and the second letter being the bottom face.
A "?" is used to denote a face that is not known to the opponent.

x=blank, b=blue, r=red, o=orange, ?=unknown
Examples: xx = Mute,   rb = Ace (red side facing up)

Squares on the board are denoted using an algebraic system.
The columns are labeled a-d from left to right, and the rows
are labeled 1-4 from bottom to top, from the point of view of one of the players.

Example: a1 = the lower left square on the board.

Onboarding:   Onboarding is recorded with the word "Onboard",
the square on which the new pieces is added, a slash(/) followed by
the height in the stack starting from zero on the board, and the piece
which is added.

;W[10 Onboard b2/1 bb]
Whites move, move number 10, an Onboard, to square b2,
one piece up in the stack, a Blue piece

In the case of a third party recording the game or incomplete games,
the above move would be written:

;W[10 Onboard b2/1 b?]
This is because the bottom side of this Onboarded piece is not known.

An opening 2-unit would be recorded in the following way:

;B[1 Onboard b4/0 xx]
;B[1 Onboard b4/1 xx]

In the case of a third party recording the game or incomplete games,
the above opening two-stack would be written:

;B[1 Onboard b4/0 ??]
;B[1 Onboard b4/1 x?]
This is because the underside of the top piece is not known and
neither side of the bottom piece is known.

Movement:   Movement is recorded as a series of pickups,
drop-offs, and captures. The first action is a pick-up on the starting
square. That is recorded with the word "Pick", the starting square,
and then the pieces that are picked up in parenthesis. The same method
is used to record any pieces that are picked up along the way.
A drop-off is recorded with the word "Drop", the square where the drop
occurs, and then the pieces that are dropped off in parenthesis.
A capture is recorded with the word "Capture", the square where the
capture occurs, and then the pieces that are captured in parenthesis.

;B[25 Pick b3(rx,xx), Drop b2(rx,xx), Capture b2(ox,xx)]
Black's move, move number 25, pick up from square b3, the RedMask and a Mute,
drop those two pieces on square b2, capture on that final square-b2 the
opponent pieces Twister and Mute.

Flip:   A Flip is always at the beginning of a move and is recorded
with the word "Flip", the square, and the new orientation of the piece
in parenthesis.

;W[14 Flip a2(ox), Pick a2(ox,rr), Drop b4(ox,rr) Capture b4(rb,xx)]
At White's move 14, a piece is Flipped at square a2, the pieces is the
Twister (ox), and the new orientation is orange side up.

Prisoner Exchange:   A Prisoner Exchange requires that both players
participate on the same turn. Therefore the move number is recorded twice as
White and Black contribute pieces to the exchange. The initiation of the
exchange is recorded with the word "Tender" and then the pieces offered in
in parenthesis. The response to the Tender is recorded with the word
"Exchange" and the the pieces given in exchange in parenthesis. If the responding
player chooses to refuse the exchange it is recorded with the word "Refuse".

;B[21 Tender (bb,bb)]
;W[21 Exchange (xx,xx,bb)]
For Black's move 21 he tenders two pieces for exchange: two blues.
White completes move 21 by exchanging three pieces: two Mutes and and Blue.
If White had refused this exchange then it would still be Black's move 21.

Resignation: A resignation is recorded with the word "Resign".

Hand written notation:
To more quickly record moves by hand substitue F,P,D, and C for
Flip, Pick, Drop, and Capture.

Sample Game:

GC[A sample game between Larry A. and Sam B. on July 20, 2011.]
PB[Larry A]
PW[Sam B]
;B[1 Onboard b4/0 xx]
;B[1 Onboard b4/1 xx]
;W[2 Onboard a3/0 xx]
;W[2 Onboard a3/1 bb]
;B[3 Onboard b3/0 rr]
;W[4 Onboard a2/0 rr]
;B[5 Onboard c3/0 xx]
;W[6 Onboard a2/1 xo]
;B[7 Onboard c3/1 xx]
;W[8 Onboard b2/0 xx]
;B[9 Onboard c3/2 bb]
;W[10 Onboard b2/1 bb]
;B[11 Pick c3(bb,xx), Drop b2(bb,xx), Capture b2(bb,xx)]
;W[12 Pick a3(bb,xx), Drop b2(bb,xx), Capture b2(bb,xx)]
;B[13 Onboard b4/2 rb]
;W[14 Flip a2(ox), Pick a2(ox,rr), Drop b4(ox,rr) Capture b4(rb,xx)]
;B[15 Pick b3(rr), Drop b2(rr), Capture b2(bb)]
;W[16 Onboard c4/0 rr]
;B[17 Onboard b3/0 rx]
;W[18 Onboard c4/0 xx]
;B[19 Onboard a3/0 xb]
;W[20 Onboard b4/3 xb]
;B[21 Tender (bb,bb)]
;W[21 Exchange (xx,xx,bb)]
;C[Notice that Move 21, a prisoner exchange, is completed with a move by
both Black and White.]
;C[If White were able to and chose to refuse the exchange that would be
recorded as:]
;C[;W [21 Refuse]]
;W[22 Flip b4(bx), Pick b4(bx,ox), Drop c3(bx,ox) Capture c3(xx)]
;B[23 Onboard b3/0 xx]
;W[24 Pick c3(bx, ox), Drop b2(ox), Drop a1(bx)]
;B[25 Pick b3(rx,xx), Drop b2(rx,xx), Capture b2(ox,xx)]
;W[26 Pick a1(bx), Drop b2(bx), Capture b2(rx)]
;B[27 Onboard a2/0 rr]
;W[28 Pick b2(bx), Drop a3(bx), Capture a3(xb)]
;B[29 Pick a2(rr), Drop a3(rr), Capture a3(xb)]
;W[30 Pick c4(rr,xx), Pick b4(rr), Drop b4(rr,xx,rr), Capture b4(bb)]
;B[31 Pick b2(xx,rr), Drop c2(rr), Drop d2(xx)]
;W[32 Onboard b4/3 br]
;B[33 Pick a3(rr), Drop b3(rr)]
;W[34 Pick b4(br,rr,xx,rr), Drop d2(br,rr,xx,rr), Capture d2(xx)]
;C[Sam B, playing White, Wins!]